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What same-sex couples should know about adoption

When same-sex couples in California decide they want to have children, they may think that adoption is the right choice for them. Before people begin the adoption process, though, there are a few things they should consider.

American Adoptions says it is important for people to understand California’s adoption laws. Same-sex couples can legally adopt children in California. However, some states have requirements people have to meet before they can adopt a child. These requirements may be about a couple’s marital status or age, so it is important to research the state’s adoption laws.

If people want to do an international adoption, they may have to meet additional requirements. ConsideringAdoption.com says that some countries do not allow international adoptions. Additionally, some countries allow international adoptions but not by same-sex couples. Couples typically have to make sure they adopt a child from a country that allows adoption by same-sex couples. It may be a good idea to work with international adoption agencies to understand the requirements of different countries. Additionally, it is important to remember that some countries do not recognize same-sex marriage. This may make it more difficult for same-sex couples to do a joint adoption.

Once people begin working with an adoption agency, the process is usually similar to the process for heterosexual couples. People generally have to do a home study and decide what kind of adoption is best for them. If people do an international adoption, then they may have to collaborate with immigration services. Additionally, same-sex couples may have to travel to the other country to finalize the adoption.



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