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Why do divorces spike at the end of summer? 

We are now entering the summer months, which is a positive for most families. Many people are planning their vacations or getting packed to go on already booked trips. 

With that being said, the end of summer can mean a harsh realization for many married couples- that the relationship is no longer working. Why do divorce rates spike toward the end of summer

Treasured time becomes dreaded time 

The anticipation of a summer break or vacation together as a family can be very exciting. It’s something that most married couples look forward to every year. Unfortunately, for couples facing marriage issues, this treasured time can become a dreaded time.

The summer vacation is often viewed as an opportunity for couples to fix issues in their marriage. The stress of daily life can take its toll, and summer can be a chance to refresh. Unfortunately, many couples find that the stress continues into the summer break, and even gets worse. Without that respite, divorce becomes almost an inevitability. 

The empty nest 

For couples with children, summer is often the only time to properly bond as a family. A vacation can bring the entire family together, even adult kids. This can result in couples realizing what they have been missing at home- a family unit. Once the vacation has ended, adult kids head back to college or their own families, leaving their parents with an “empty nest” to go back to. 

If you suspect that divorce may be on the horizon this summer, there is no harm in looking into your legal options. Divorce is one of many routes that you can take to build a brighter future. 



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