The Supreme Court reviewed whether or not to hear a case regarding a court clerk out of Kentucky who refused to issue same-sex couples a marriage license. The clerk, Kim Davis, used her religious beliefs as a form of defense during her lower federal court hearings. Many California residents have been waiting to hear what the Supreme Court’s ruling on the case will be.
Same-Sex marriage has been approved
For many, the idea of same-sex marriage has been settled already. Back in 2015, the case of Obergefell vs. Hodges set a monumental precedence for same-sex couples. As the Supreme Court cited the 14th Amendment right for the approval of their decision, many Americans believed the issue has been settled. With over 300,000 same-sex marriages authorized since the 2015 court ruling, not many give a second thought to the idea of challenging this decision.
Not everyone agrees
When the Supreme Court decided not to hear the Davis case, two Supreme Court Justices spoke out. Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas both shared their position that people should reject same-sex marriage licenses based on their religious objection. The Justices took the opportunity to speak out against the 2015 ruling of Obergefell vs. Hodges, stating that it doesn’t protect the religious liberties offered by the 1st Amendment rights.
While many people thought that the Davis case review would be open and shut, they got more than they bargained for. While Alito and Thomas were the only two to speak out about their opinions regarding same-sex marriage at the review, other Supreme Court members have spoken out since. These include Justices Gorsuch and Roberts. Only time will reveal whether or not the topic of same-sex marriage will find itself back on the desk of the Supreme Court.