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Potential benefits of securing a domestic violence restraining order

It can take years for spouses experiencing domestic violence to find the courage to leave. Many people are aware that their safety is most at risk at the end of an abusive relationship.

When people finally decide they want to leave for their own well-being or the protection of their children, they may need support from the state. Seeking a restraining order is often one of the best options available for those planning to leave a domestic violence situation.

How can a restraining order help?

A domestic violence restraining order offers several important benefits to the person asking for support. First and foremost, there is a formal record of the violence that has affected the family.

That record can be important if they later need to protect their children during custody negotiations. The courts may consider supervised visitation and other unique arrangements to protect the children from a parent with a history of violent conduct.

Additionally, the restraining order gives the abused spouse recourse in the event of additional misconduct. If the other person approaches them, threatens them or otherwise violates the restraining order, they can call the police to enforce the order.

Violations of the order can lead to criminal consequences. The restraining order itself can serve as an incentive for the other party to stay away. While a restraining order cannot prevent bad behavior, it creates consequences for it.

People planning to leave a situation involving domestic violence may need help taking the right legal steps, and that’s okay. Pursuing a restraining order is often one of the first steps in successfully leaving an unsafe and volatile relationship.



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