Legal separation offers an alternative to divorce for couples who want to live apart but have reasons to stay legally married. Unlike divorce, legal separation does not end the marriage. Instead, it establishes terms for child-related matters like custody and support...
Experienced Family Law Attorneys For You
High-asset Division In Divorce
What role do forensic accountants play in asset division?
When dealing with a divorce involving significant assets, dividing property fairly can become complicated. Forensic accountants play a key role in uncovering and analyzing financial information to ensure an equitable settlement. Their expertise helps bring clarity to...
Potential benefits of securing a domestic violence restraining order
It can take years for spouses experiencing domestic violence to find the courage to leave. Many people are aware that their safety is most at risk at the end of an abusive relationship. When people finally decide they want to leave for their own well-being or the...
Parenting time concerns when one parent is a doctor
Parenting time arrangements can be challenging for any family, but they may become particularly complex when one parent is a doctor who works a non-traditional schedule. Physicians often work irregular hours, face demanding days at work and may be called into...
California’s community property laws are often misunderstood
As our readers likely know, California is among a relatively small number of “community property” states. Just what that means, however, isn’t widely understood. People – including a lot of celebrities – often complain that they had to give their spouse half of...
What if you want to move but you share child custody?
In many cases, when a couple gets divorced, courts will divide custody between both parents. This could mean that your spouse has custody one week and you have custody the next. The court aims to preserve the relationship your child has with both of you, even though...
How are executive compensation packages divided in divorce?
Dividing executive compensation packages can present complex challenges in high-asset divorces. These packages often include various components beyond a typical salary, which complicates the division process. Understanding the financial and tax implications is...
Your business after a domestic partnership: Who owns what?
Domestic partnerships in California have the same rights and responsibilities as married couples. This includes how courts will divide your property if you end your partnership. The state follows community property laws, which means you and your partner will typically...
Don’t let your holiday custody schedule start a fight
The best holiday custody schedules are cooperative endeavors between both co-parents. But not all separations and divorces leave the parties on good enough terms to remain civil with each other. But don’t despair. Instead, review your options and formulate a workable...
What is the dissipation of marital assets?
Earlier this year, we discussed how a spouse may be tempted to hide assets during a divorce. This is an illegal practice, and your spouse would likely be doing it to deprive you of those assets. An example of this is transferring a substantial sum to a family member,...