While adoption can be full of challenges, it can also be a rewarding and eye-opening experience. And thanks to the ceaseless calls to advance the human rights of the members of the LGBTQ+ community, same-sex couples in California can now adopt, too. If you are...
Experienced Family Law Attorneys For You
High-asset Division In Divorce
Why marital debt matters in high-asset divorces
When most people picture a high-asset divorce, they focus on the division of assets that a couple has acquired. As such, a crucial element often gets overshadowed: marital debt. Focusing solely on the division of assets can lead to an incomplete picture. Marital debt...
Why do divorces spike at the end of summer?
We are now entering the summer months, which is a positive for most families. Many people are planning their vacations or getting packed to go on already booked trips. With that being said, the end of summer can mean a harsh realization for many married couples- that...
Dividing complex investments in a community property divorce
Divorce proceedings in community property states, where marital assets are typically split evenly between spouses, can become intricate when complex investments come into play. Whether it’s private businesses, venture capital holdings or illiquid assets, navigating...
Second, third marriages more likely to end in divorce
Marriage is a major commitment, but second and third marriages are more likely to end in divorce than first marriages. This trend raises questions about why subsequent marriages often face greater challenges. Understanding these reasons can help couples navigate their...
3 ways spouses hide assets in a divorce
If you are about to divorce you want to do what you can to get an appropriate settlement when dividing your marital property. One thing that can make this much harder is if you are unaware of the total assets you have. Spouses are not always honest with each other...
Should you hire a PI to help you get child custody?
Back in the day, before no-fault divorce became prevalent, people who could afford to would sometimes hire private investigators (PIs) to collect evidence proving that their spouse was engaged in adultery or other wrongdoing. While people generally don’t gain an...
3 strategies for protecting your investments in a divorce
Divorce can be a challenging and emotional time. This is especially true when it comes to dividing assets such as investments. However, there are several strategies people can employ to safeguard their investments and financial interests during a divorce. Adopting...
Considerations in a gray divorce
People who go through a divorce later in life, particularly if they’re over 50, may need to address special considerations that aren’t usually pressing concerns when divorce happens earlier in life. Considering these potential challenges can help anyone going through...
3 overlooked valuables in high-value divorces
In a high-net-worth divorce, the stakes can be substantial. Absent a valid prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, these kinds of divorces can often turn contentious and bitter when it comes time to divide the marital assets. While most couples tend to focus on the...